Today thought of writing simple program in PHP implementing Julius Caesar Encryption / Decryption technique. In this encryption character are shift by certain numbers i.e for e.g. if shifted by 3 bits.In encrytion A will be replaced by D ,similarry B-E,C-F,.................. and vice versa for decrpytion. This is a simple algortihm. If you have an object oriented principle it will be piece of cake for you to understand.
Here's the code for it
class CaesarCipher
protected $encrypt_sequence = array();
protected $decrypt_sequence = array();
public function __construct($seed = 1)
$total_chars = strlen(self::CHARS);
// Normalize seed
$seed = $seed % $total_chars;
// Generate encryption and decryption sequences on the basis of seed passed
for ($i = 0; $i < $total_chars; $i++){
$src = substr(self::CHARS, $i, 1);
$dst = substr(self::CHARS, ($i + $seed) % $total_chars, 1);
$this->encrypt_sequence[$src] = $dst;
$this->decrypt_sequence[$dst] = $src;
// Also add space
$this->encrypt_sequence[' '] = ' ';
$this->decrypt_sequence[' '] = ' ';
After generating the sequence for decryption of message we simply replace each bit of message with some sequence generated. Here I have used strstr function which replace each character of message with another character.
public function encrypt($value)
$value = strtoupper($value);
return strtr($value,$this->encrypt_sequence );
public function decrypt($value)
$value = strtoupper($value);
return strtr($value,$this->decrypt_sequence );
/*This simply returns the array as array being protected it is not accessible to others i.e. not in this package so a public function is created to return array
public function getEncryptSequence(){
return $this->encrypt_sequence;
public function getDecryptSequence()
return $this->decrypt_sequence;
// Run cypher
*Although Random value is used you can use one constant value inorder to encrypt and decrypt you *message in future also, or remeber the seed value while encrypting and decrypting and make changes in
* seed value for correct output
$seed = mt_rand(1, 35);$cipher = new CaesarCipher($seed);
$encrypted = $cipher->encrypt($source);
$decrypted = $cipher->decrypt($encrypted);
// Print results
echo "CAESAR CIPHER (seed={$seed})\n\n"; echo "Source: {$source}\n"; echo "Encrypted: {$encrypted}"; echo " ".($encrypted === $source ? "NOT ENCRYPTED :(" : "ENCRYPTED :)")."\n"; echo "Decrypted: {$decrypted}"; echo " ".($decrypted === $source ? "MATCHES SOURCE! :)" : "DOES NOT MATCH SOURCE :(")."\n"; echo "\n\n"; // Print encryption/decryption sequences echo "Encryption:"; foreach ($cipher->getEncryptSequence() as $k => $v) { if ($k === ' ') continue; // Don't display space echo " {$k}>{$v}"; } echo "\n"; echo "Decryption:"; foreach ($cipher->getDecryptSequence() as $k => $v) { if ($k === ' ') continue; // Don't display space echo " {$k}>{$v}"; } echo "\n";
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