Create your own software with menu similar to Office 2010 without writing single code

Friday, July 29, 2011 0 comments
Do u want to create a software that have the sleek and trendy looks of Office. Then u can do it easily.The only thing u need is the the TRibbon component.
U can change the looks and feel of the design by yourself.
Just download the component and use it on ur software.Drag and drop the component add just add few tabs and action and ur menu is ready.

The Windows Ribbon Framework (aka Scenic Ribbon) is the new User Interface library introduced with Windows 7, but is also available for Vista users through the Vista Platform Update (which is installed through regular Windows updates). This library allows you to create ribbon applications similar to Office 2010. In fact, the WordPad and Paint accessories that ships with Windows 7 use the Ribbon framework.

This Delphi library allows Delphi developers to use of the Windows Ribbon Framework in their Delphi applications. This library uses the native Windows library to implement the Ribbon functionality. It does not emulate the Ribbon user interface like other Delphi component sets do (or Delphi's built-in Ribbon emulation components).

This had the advantage that your ribbon will always look and behave exactly as Microsoft intended it. This also makes it easier to take advantage of improvements that Microsoft will make to the Ribbon Framework in the future. A further advantage is that you can use this library in open source projects since it does not depend on commercial third party libraries.

There are also some disadvantages though. The most notable one is that applications using the Windows Ribbon Framework will only work on Windows 7 or later, or on Windows Vista with the Platform Update. Also, the method for creating Ribbon User Interfaces may be unfamiliar to Delphi developers: a Ribbon User Interface is completely defined in XML (not unlike XAML). There is no way to create ribbon controls at run-time, which also means that there is no way to design a ribbon visually in Delphi.


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